The Team

“Good Design is a catalyst for industrial growth. Pakistan, having been recognised today as one of the future manufacturing hubs of the world has an enormous appetite for design and manufacture knowledge.

We have taken an efficient approach to this, by developing and offering Booster Courses to design schools, that complement their existing curriculum.

This provides an exciting platform for young talent to hone their design skills, be exposed to the international dimension of this profession and to learn to communicate their ideas better.”

Hasan A. Mian, Founder is an entrepreneur with diverse business interests and a passion for ID.

Jordan attended the Rochester Institute of Technology for both New Media Design and Industrial Design. He has been modeling for 10+ years and is practiced in most major workflows, including computer graphics, video game design, industrial design, and engineering. He is an avid 3D modeling & printing teacher in the Boston area, and spends much of his spare time flying his drones & designing new ones.
You can find Jordan’s work at

Arthur Wang met Jordan at the Rochester Institute of Technology’s Industrial Design program, but quickly took an interest in painting and concept art, graduating with a Bachelor’s in Illustration. He later returned to the field of Industrial Design with a Master’s degree from the Savannah College of Art and Design, and subsequently interned with General Electric and Bose, where he currently works. His work incorporates graphic sketching and digital painting, as well as photography and physical modeling to accompany his product designs. He also dabbles in interior and graphic design.
You can find Arthur’s work at

Jonathan Salerno studied Automotive and Product Design at the College for Creative Studies in Detroit, MI, graduating with a BFA in Industrial Design. From working in industries such as Tools at Black and Decker, Fashion at Reebok and Transportation at WFRIC, Jonathan has an understanding of the design workflow across many industries. A strong advocate of hands on design, he believes that hand sketching, modelling and prototyping are at the core of the design process.

“The function must have a shape and this shape must be beautiful.”

Alexander Zhukovsky was born in a small Ukrainian town Polonnoe. After attending elementary and secondary school in the north of Russia in Kogalym, he moved to the city of Khanty-Mansiysk, where he studied applied arts and artistic woodcarvings. After graduating the Khanty-Mansiysk College of Art in 2008 he moved to Yekaterinburg, where he received a master’s degree in industrial design at USAAA (Ural State Academy of Architecture and Arts, Yekaterinburg, Russia).

Winner of major Russian and international design awards. Lecturer at USAAA and Khanty-Mansiysk Institute of Design.

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